Why Ocaml

OCaml is a surprisingly different language: it has both syntax and semantic features I've not seen elsewhere.

Following the Grokking​ALanguage format, let's look at features you may not have seen before.

Underrated: Tooling

Merlin is code analysis tool OCaml, offering classic IDE feaetures like go-to-definition, code completion, and type-at-cursor.

That's table stakes: Merlin has some incredible features I've not used elsewhere.

type MyList =
  | Cons of (int * MyList)
  | Nil

let takes_list (x : MyList) =

Ask Merlin to destruct x on the last line, and you get this:

let takes_list (x : MyList) =
  match x of
  | Cons _ -> (??)
  | Nil -> (??)

This makes pattern matching a joy to use.

Merlin has some even more exotic features, such as a type-driven function search.

Overrated: Syntax

Even if you've dabbled with Haskell, OCaml has some odd bits of syntax.

[1, 2] is legal syntax, but it's not a list of a numbers. It's actually shorthand for [(1, 2)].

Precedence can be surprising too: [let y = 2 in y; 3] doesn't work as you'd expect.

This is particularly unfortunate for blocks:

if true then
  f 1
  f 2;
  g 3

g 3 is unconditionally executed!

Nesting match statements can end up with a type error rather than a parse error.

Solution: I've found #ocaml on Freenode to be a great place to ask questions. ocamlformat will indent your code in a way that makes the precedence obvious too.

